Setting up the Raspberry Pi

This guide will walk you through the steps to set up the Raspberry Pi for the waiting time display.

It assumes some familiarity with the Raspberry Pi and the command line for the initial setup (step 1), after which the device can be configured via the web interface. (For example, you can pre-setup the device and let the end user just connect to WiFi and configure the display in Step 2).

For advanced users, there is a more manual setup guide here.

Step 1: Initial Setup (Developer)

Prepare the SD card

Using Raspberry Pi Imager, download the Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) or Raspberry Pi OS Desktop (64-bit) image onto a microSD card.

Raspberry Pi Imager

Under settings:

Initial Hardware Assembly

The hardware setup is quite straightforward:

Initial Software Setup

  1. Power on the Raspberry Pi and wait for it to connect to WiFi
  2. Connect to it via SSH: ssh <username>@raspberrypi.local
  3. Download and run the setup script:
    # Download the setup script (with cache bypass)
    curl -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -O
    # Make it executable
    chmod +x
    # Run the setup script
    sudo ./

    Fast Setup Step 2

The script will guide you through several configuration options:

The script will then:

If the script needs to enable WebSerial support, it will:

  1. Enable the required hardware module
  2. Reboot the system
  3. After reboot, you’ll need to run:
    sudo bash ~/display_programme/docs/service/

    to complete the WebSerial setup.

  4. Reboot your device again. Once it boots up, you can access the WebSerial interface at

Step 2: Final Setup (End User)

Connect Your Display

  1. Insert the microSD card into your Raspberry Pi (if not already inserted)
  2. Connect your Raspberry Pi to power using the USB cable
  3. Visit the setup page in Google Chrome or Edge

Configure Your Display

The setup wizard will guide you through:

  1. Connecting to your WiFi network
  2. Setting up your location for weather information
  3. Selecting your bus/tram stops
  4. Optional: Configuring flight tracking

After completing the wizard, your display will automatically update and show:

Assembled and configured display

Setting up the backend server

Important: The backend server needs to be set up for the display to work (otherwise the display will only display the weather and flights). See the backend server readme for more information. If the API keys are not configured, the service will not start. (If the backend server is set up on the Raspberry Pi, you can use the setup wizard to input the necessary API keys)